Cases of killings on robbery resistance witness surge in June

Cases of killings on robbery resistance witness surge in June

At least 152 robbery cases were reported on a daily basis in Karachi
Cases of killings on robbery resistance witness surge in June

Web Desk


22 Jul 2024

On average, at least 152 robbery cases were reported on a daily basis in Karachi, and 40 people were killed during the robbery and other incidents in a month, according to the Citiz­ens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) statistics.

The city received a slight respite from robbers in June compared to May when 45 people were murdered by robbers and 174 cases of robbery were reported in a day. 

However, the statistics of street crime data collected by different sources showed that the number of people killed by robbers in Karachi stood at three in May, and eleven people were murdered in June on account of resistance during robbery. 

Six months of data showed a total of 72 people had been killed by the robbers, including 13 in January, 20 in February, 11 in March, and 14 in April.

In May, 30 people were injured during a robbery, and 35 were wounded in June. 

Inspector General Ghulam Nabi Memon attributed the fluctuating number of street crime cases to events like Eid.

He said street crime was gradually declining in the metropolis. 

However, the data showed at least 10,304 citizens of Karachi were deprived of their cell phones in six months, including 1,414 mobile phones snatched at gunpoint in June compared to 1,420 in May.

According to the data, at least 135 four-wheelers were snatched at gunpoint in six months, while 145 cars in May and 140 were snatched in June.

Similarly, 27,291 motorbikes were snatched and stolen in six months, including 3,103 in May and 2,756 in June. 

Fortunately, no incidents of kidnap for ransom and extortion were reported in June compared to four kidnap cases in January, one each in March and April, and three in May. 

Meanwhile, during six months, at least 87 cases of extortion were reported. 

CPLC chief Zubair Habib said criminals coming from other provinces had built a ‘nexus’ with local people in the provincial capital, but police were not taking action against them.


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