'Put me in jail but free my wife,' Imran Khan asks judge in Toshakhana case

'Put me in jail but free my wife,' Imran Khan asks judge in Toshakhana case

The couple was rearrested on Saturday.
'Put me in jail but free my wife,' Imran Khan asks judge in Toshakhana case

Web Desk


14 Jul 2024

During the proceedings of Toshakhana case, PTI founder Imran Khan conversed with the judge and objected to the absence of media.

As the hearing began, Imran Khan told the judge that if the media did not come, he would walk out of the court.

On PTI founder's objection, the court ordered the media representatives to be brought inside the jail.

As soon as the media representatives entered the court, the hearing began.

At the start of the hearing, PTI founder went to the rostrum and while conversing with the judge, said that his wife had nothing to do with the Toshakhana case. 

Imran Khan told the judge that Bushra Bibi is being kept in jail just to torment him.

The PTI founder said that his wife is being targeted by the king. He removed the king from the ISI position and his wife did not recommend him.

In the Iddat Nikkah case, the sentences of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi were suspended, ordering their acquittal.

Imran Khan said, "Put me in jail but leave my wife. Judge, you are answerable to Allah, not to the ISI."

The PTI founder said that Judge Bashir had said that a decision was taken under duress. The former Prime Minister is informed at midnight that a new case will be presented in the morning. NAB officials are like robots; they can be made to do anything with their salary.

Imran Khan said that in the previous reference where the punishment was given, the jewelry set is still with them. Its price was 18 million, but they made it 3.25 billion.

Imran Khan said that he only talks about his wife, and her re-arrest is very wrong. Earlier, Aftab Sultan and others resigned because they wanted to make wrongful decisions.

He said that a second case was made because they found out that the first set is still with us. The king of the jungle has done all this.

During the hearing, PTI founder and Bushra Bibi sat together.



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