"All of us had love marriages:" Multan's six brothers marry six sisters in collective ceremony

Web Desk
1 Jan 2025
In a unique marriage event in Multan, six brothers married six sisters from on the same day, keeping their wedding simple and free of dowries and salamis (gifts) or extravagant expenses.
The brothers, who had been planning this collective marriage for over a year and a half, waited for the youngest brothers to come of age so they could all marry at the same time.
They chose to avoid the lavish expenses often associated with weddings, refraining from taking dowries from the brides or receiving salami (gifts) from guests at their reception.
“We’ve seen people sell their land to fund weddings, but we wanted to show that marriages can happen simply, without such extravagant arrangements,” said the eldest brother. “All of us had love marriages, and this was a decision made with full support from both sides of the families.”
The brothers emphasised that their marriages were conducted in accordance with Islamic principles, avoiding outdated traditions. “We didn’t burden the brides with any dowry, and we made sure the men prepared everything themselves,” one brother explained.
Their decision to keep the wedding simple inspired others. A nearby village, after witnessing their example, also opted for a similarly modest wedding, and many in the brothers’ village now view their approach as a way to ease the burdens often associated with marriage.
The brothers stated that they only held a simple nikah ceremony with a scholar, and their valima reception was free of salami or extravagant gifts. “Our parents encouraged us to follow this example because dowry is not permissible in Islam,” one brother added.
The brothers also shared that they bought all necessary household items, ensuring that they all had the same essentials.
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