FACT CHECK: Maulana Tariq Jamil got injured in road accident?

Web Desk
21 Mar 2024
A picture went viral on social media claiming that renowned religious scholar Maulana Tariq Jamil had been severely injured in a car accident involving a renowned religious scholar's vehicle.
The picture was widely shared on the social media platform X (Twitter).
Maulana Tariq Jamil's close sources have denied such news and stated that Maulana was not involved in any traffic accident.
The news circulating on social media regarding this matter is also false. It later became apparent that the viral image on social media belonged to Maulvi Abdul Ghaffar Afghani, also known as Azad Jamil, taken in 2019 when he was involved in an accident.
The claim regarding the injuries of Tariq Jamil is factually wrong and baseless.
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