48% Pakistanis cast votes in Feb 8 polls on influential leaders' choice: survey

48% Pakistanis cast votes in Feb 8 polls on influential leaders' choice: survey

52% of Pakistanis have cast their vote as per their own choice
48% Pakistanis cast votes in Feb 8 polls on influential leaders' choice: survey

Web Desk


11 Mar 2024

As many as 52 percent Pakistanis cast their vote in the general elections 2024, as per their own choice while 48% followed the recommendations of their community leaders and influential people, according to Gallup Pakistan’s report. 

In the survey, almost 4,000 participants took part to give their suggestions on the recently concluded polls on February 8.

The report revealed that 64% cast their vote for the candidate outside of the community at their own will. The number increased from 45% in the 2018 elections.

As many as 21% of respondents believed that they cast their votes for a candidate whom they thought could carry out development work, and 19% said they preferred the candidate of their favourite political party. 

Meanwhile, 16% said they cast their votes for those candidates who will assist them in judicial and security-related matters. 

The report further added that some 14% said they cast their vote for the candidate who can protect Islamic and moral values, while 13% saw the ability of legislation in the candidates. 

Moreover, only 1% cast their vote for the candidate who had the potential to defeat a candidate whom they don’t like.

On the other hand, a separate report of Gallup Pakistan issued on March 8 stated that among the illiterate people, the vote bank of PML-N and PPP was more visible; 29% voted for PML-N and 23% voted for PPP, while PTI managed to get 21% of votes from illiterate voters.

However, 41% of PTI’s voters include high school-educated youth aged 18 to 24 years or more, while 21% of the educated segment supported PML-N.



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