Massive brain drain of highly qualified professionals from Pakistan occurred during PML-N govt: report

Massive brain drain of highly qualified professionals from Pakistan occurred during PML-N govt: report

The Gulf region emerged as the primary destination for Pakistani expatriates over the past decade.
Massive brain drain of highly qualified professionals from Pakistan occurred during PML-N govt: report

Web Desk


16 Aug 2024

In the past decade, Pakistan experienced a rapid brain drain, with over 7.3 million people leaving the country to seek better employment opportunities abroad due to economic challenges.

Among these, 350,000 Pakistan’s highly qualified professionals from various fields moved abroad in pursuit of more lucrative job opportunities, according to a recently released document.

The majority of migrating Pakistanis chose to relocate to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The outflow of talent remained high during the PML-N regime. A total of 6.2 million people migrated from the country during the PML-N and PDM governments.

Between 2013 and 2018, under PML-N rule, 3.8 million Pakistanis opted to settle abroad, while 2.08 million migrated during the PDM government from 2022 to 2023.

During the current PM Shehbaz-led government, 0.38 million Pakistanis have left the country in search of greener pastures.

Under the PTI government from 2018 to 2022, at least 1.13 million Pakistanis decided to start a new life overseas.

The Gulf region emerged as the primary destination for Pakistani expatriates over the past decade, with Saudi Arabia hosting 2.9 million residents and the UAE attracting 2.1 million during the PML-N government.

Approximately 400,000 individuals emigrated to Oman, followed by 200,000 to Qatar, 100,000 to Malaysia, 31,839 to the UK, 4,000 to the USA, and 3,861 to Japan.

The PTI government saw a lower rate of emigration, with 620,000 Pakistanis choosing Saudi Arabia, 290,000 opting for the UAE, 74,000 settling in Oman, 64,000 in Qatar, 29,000 in Bahrain, 13,500 in Malaysia, 2,741 in the UK, and 1,309 in the USA.

The PML-N government witnessed a massive exodus of highly qualified professionals, with 300,000 leaving the country between 2013 and 2018, while the PTI government recorded an outflow of 48,000 professionals.

In terms of specific professions, nearly 217,000 electricians, 62,000 engineers, and 53,000 accountants left the country for better career opportunities.

Approximately 24,500 doctors, 13,000 teachers, 12,500 nurses, and 5,257 pharmacists decided to leave Pakistan during this period.

Due to ongoing economic turmoil and the lack of adequate opportunities for professionals, the brain drain is occurring at an unprecedented rate in Pakistan.


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