Karachi traffic cop manhandles motorcyclist over missing number plates

Karachi traffic cop manhandles motorcyclist over missing number plates

The officer continued to attempt to seize his mobile phone, forced the biker to exit the motorbike.
Karachi traffic cop manhandles motorcyclist over missing number plates

Web Desk


4 Mar 2024

A motorcyclist was manhandled by the traffic police officers on Tariq Road after being fined for missing number plates on his motorbike.

The man filmed himself arguing that he was unfairly fined for two missing plates despite having one at the back. 

The situation escalated when the motorcyclist started recording the incident, and the officer directed him to show his license and turn off the camera. Another officer intervened to prevent a physical altercation.

However, the officer continued to attempt to confiscate his mobile phone, and forced the biker to exit the motorbike. 

He admitted to having a license and all necessary documents but demanded an explanation from the traffic warden for the alleged excessive fine. Both sides accused each other of making threats. 

While he was willing to pay the fine, the biker alleged that the cop damaged his bike and broke the brake light, stating that "the police are public servants and they should behave accordingly to be respected." 



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