Pakistani journalist arrested for waving national flag in Greece

Pakistani journalist arrested for waving national flag in Greece

Mona Khan arrived in Athens two days ago with her seven-year-old son.
Pakistani journalist arrested for waving national flag in Greece

Web Desk


25 May 2024

Anchor and marathon runner Mona Khan was arrested in Athens, Greece, for waving a Pakistani flag during a hiking trip, it emerged on Saturday. 

Mona Khan arrived in Athens two days ago with her seven-year-old son to participate in a hiking event.

She was transferred to jail and will appear in court on Monday, according to the local police.

Her coach Muhammad Yusuf said the Greek authorities arrested the woman and seized her phone.

The coach reported that his last conversation with Khan happened an hour before her arrest. She told him about being questioned by the police for waving the flag.

The female hiker revealed the details of the incident circulating on social media. 

During the event, when she began waving her flag, some officials stopped her and asked if she truly wanted to wave the Pakistani flag.

After mentioning to the police that she would wave the Pakistani flag, the hiker was detained.

Mona Khan alleged that the Greek police behaved inappropriately towards her.

She appealed to the Pakistani Embassy in Athens for assistance in securing her release.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch stated that the Pakistani embassy has engaged with Greek authorities and requested consular access to Mona Khan.

Mumtaz said that the embassy is investigating the circumstances of Khan's arrest and is in contact with her running coach.


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