Rare whale sighted in Balochistan's Gadani coast

Web Desk
8 Apr 2024
In the coastal area of Gadani in Balochistan, a rare black whale was sighted for the first time in history.
The awe-inspiring sighting took place just a few kilometers off the Gadani coast, where fishermen marveled at the rare spectacle of this magnificent creature gracefully traversing the open sea.
With estimates suggesting a length of up to 100 feet, a width of around 50 feet, and a weight surpassing 150 tonnes, this exceptional black whale represents a species that is seldom encountered in marine habitats.
This sighting stands as a significant moment in Gadani's history, being the first recorded instance of such a massive live whale being observed, a departure from previous occurrences where deceased whales were discovered stranded along various Balochistan beaches.
Local fishermen, deeply impressed by the sighting, interpreted the whale's presence near the shore as a favorable omen, bringing optimism for their sea ventures.
The black whale, renowned as one of the largest whale species in the ocean, is distinguished by its rarity and immense size, which can range anywhere from 10 tons to an astonishing 200 tons.
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