Police arrest 23 suspects in Swat lynching incident

Police arrest 23 suspects in Swat lynching incident

Violent mob lynched a tourist over alleged blasphemy in Swat.
Police arrest 23 suspects in Swat lynching incident

Web Desk


23 Jun 2024

SWAT: Police have arrested 27 suspects, including two brothers, in connection with the Madyan incident in Swat.

A mob had lynched a man and set him on fire after he was suspected of desecrating the Holy Quran in a Swat hospital.

Additionally, the mob set fire to a police station. The police have booked 27 suspects for their involvement in the lynching and the arson at the police station.

Furthermore, police teams are conducting raids to apprehend more individuals involved in the Madyan incident, where a tourist was killed by a violent mob over alleged blasphemy.

The tourist was accused by the mob of committing blasphemy in Swat district. Although the KP police initially took him to the police station, the enraged mob stormed the station and beat the tourist to death.

Federal Minister Ahsan Iqbal has condemned the lynching incident in Swat, calling for an end to such "street justice."

During the budget debate in the National Assembly, Iqbal described the incident in Madyan as horrific and emphasized that parliament must take a stern stance against "mob justice," which he argued has brought Pakistan to the brink of destruction.

"We must take notice of this incident. We have now reached a point where religion is being used to justify mob violence and street justice, flagrantly violating the Constitution, the law, and the state," he lamented. Iqbal maintained that parliament must address the issue to prevent Pakistan from descending into anarchy.

He demanded the formation of a special house committee to probe these incidents.



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