Video: Here's what COAS said after martyred soldier's daughter complained of 'wadera'

Video: Here's what COAS said after martyred soldier's daughter complained of 'wadera'

Don't worry the "wadera" won't discharge water toward your home now.
Video: Here's what COAS said after martyred soldier's daughter complained of 'wadera'



30 Nov 2023

A heartwarming video of Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir listening to the problems of a martyred soldier's daughter is going viral on social media.

In the video, a girl from Dera Murad Jamali interacts with the COAS to share her problems.

The girl said there is a "wadera" who discharges water to their village and as a result, they are suffering and her house is also damaged.

"Send a message to that wadera," COAS Asim Munir was heard saying probably to one of his subordinates after hearing the issue of the girl.

Don't worry about anything, now water won't be discharged in your village, the COAS said to the girl and assured her that Pakistan Army will continue to serve them.


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