Israeli forces hold UN polio team at gunpoint in Gaza

Israeli forces hold UN polio team at gunpoint in Gaza

The convoy was carrying 12 staff members on their way to support the polio campaign in northern Gaza Strip.
Israeli forces hold UN polio team at gunpoint in Gaza

Web Desk


11 Sep 2024

A UN convoy carrying workers for a polio vaccination campaign in Gaza was held at gunpoint at an Israeli military checkpoint, a UN spokesman said, adding that shots were fired and its vehicles were rammed by a bulldozer.

Spokesman for UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Stephane Dujarric, called the incident “the latest example of the unacceptable dangers and impediment that humanitarian personnel in Gaza are experiencing” by Israeli forces.

He said the convoy was carrying 12 staff members on their way to support the polio campaign in northern Gaza Strip.

The group’s “movements were fully coordinated with Israeli forces, and all details provided ahead of time,” Dujarric said. But when the team reached a checkpoint, Israeli forces said they wanted to hold two UN staff members for questioning, he said.

“The situation escalated very quickly, with soldiers pointing their weapons directly towards our personnel in the convoy, the UN vehicles were encircled by Israeli forces, and shots were fired,” he said.

“The convoy was then approached by IDF tanks and a bulldozer, which proceeded to ram the UN vehicles from the front and from the back, compacting the convoy with the UN staff. One bulldozer dropped debris on the first vehicle, while Israeli soldiers threatened staff, making it impossible for them to safely exit.”


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