Netizens roast Netanyahu as he claims Lebanon citizens keep rockets, missiles in their kitchens

9 hours ago

Netizens roast Netanyahu as he claims Lebanon citizens keep rockets, missiles in their kitchens

There is no evidence or credible report supporting the Israeli prime minister's statement.
Netizens roast Netanyahu as he claims Lebanon citizens keep rockets, missiles in their kitchens

Web Desk


28 Sep 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was severely criticised on social media after making outrageous claims in his speech, alleging that citizens in Lebanon store rockets and missiles in their homes and kitchens to launch attacks against his country.

Speaking at the UN general assembly on Friday, Netanyahu brazenly articulated his military agenda in the Middle East, while making baseless and unconscionable allegations against Lebanon.

His address was delivered to a mostly empty hall, as the majority of delegates walked out in protest.

There is no evidence or credible report supporting the Israeli prime minister's statement. In contrast, Israeli citizens openly carry firearms, even during routine walks in public parks.

Reiterating his commitment to continuing military offensives in Gaza and Lebanon, Netanyahu said, "They (Hezbollah) fire these rockets and missiles, not from military sites. They do that too, but they fire those rockets and missiles after placing them in schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, and in the private homes of Lebanese citizens."

He further accused Hezbollah of placing "a missile in every kitchen, a rocket in every garage."

Netanyahu's remarks sparked a strong reaction on social media, where many condemned his attempts to absolve himself of war crimes against innocent civilians and to justify further attacks on Lebanese citizens.

An account ‘Syrian Girl’ on X commented on his remarks, stating, “How would you logistically use those missiles if they are in every kitchen? Go door-to-door knocking on people’s homes asking for a single missile in the midst of full scale war ?”

US Presidential candidate from Green Party, Jill Stein, said that as Netanyahu spoke about missiles in every kitchen in Lebanon, his army bombed a whole housing block.

Another X  user said, “This is genocide propganda.”


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