Over 70% Pakistanis will accept results of General Elections 2024: survey

Over 70% Pakistanis will accept results of General Elections 2024: survey

The Pakistan People’s Party has the lowest ratio of result rejection among their voters
Over 70% Pakistanis will accept results of General Elections 2024: survey

Web Desk


8 Feb 2024

At least 75 percent of Pakistanis will accept the result of the general elections 2024, 7% will reject it, while 17% will remain unsure, revealed a recently conducted survey by Ipsos.

As per the result of the pulse survey, the majority of Pakistan committed to the continuation of a democratic system and electoral process.

The survey said as many as 3 out of 4 will accept the result of elections with the dominating rural population, where 75% of people would have no objection to the results. 

It revealed that 67% of voters from Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) will accept the result and only 9% will reject it, while the rest would not confident about the results.

Meanwhile, at least 87% of voters of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) will agree with the result, while only 4% are expected to reject it. 

The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has the lowest ratio of result rejection among voters, the survey showed that as many as 94% will accept the result while the rest will remain uncertain. 

The survey also expressed a high rate of acceptability of the result among the voters of Jamat-e-Islami where only 7% of voters are anticipated to reject the result of elections.

Among those who do not intend to cast the vote, at least 56% will accept the result, 13% will reject it while others will remain in uncertainty. 



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