JUI-F Karachi rally: These roads will be closed

2 Nov 2023
Meanwhile, JUI-F’s Sindh Aman March is also set to reach Karachi where it will merge with the Aqsa protest on Shahrah-e-Qaideen. The march began 12 days ago.
Due to the JUI-F rally at Shahrah-e-Quaideen, the Karachi traffic has issued a revised traffic plan for commuters.
Traffic coming from Shahrah-e-Faisal will not be allowed to go towards Shahrah-e-Quaideen flyover.
Similarly, the traffic from MA Jinnah Road won’t be allowed to proceed towards Society and Shahra-e-Quaideen.
Incoming traffic from Tariq Road would be restricted from proceeding towards Allahwali Chowrangi and Shahrah-e-Quaideen, police said.
During the rally, the flow of traffic from Gagar Phatak to Quaidabad and from Quaidabad to Nursery towards Sadar is expected to slow down.
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