21 PTI leaders hint at forming forward bloc in party

21 PTI leaders hint at forming forward bloc in party

MNA Shandana Gulzar described the resignation as a better option than beating desks
21 PTI leaders hint at forming forward bloc in party

Web Desk


27 Jun 2024

Rifts among Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders intensified as a 21-member group hinted at stepping down from the National Assembly and forming a forward bloc.

At least 21 lawmakers in the party gained space in the lower house with the assistance of the Sunni Ittahad Council (SIC), expressing disappointment from top leadership over the inability to release party founder Imran Khan from jail.

The lawmakers conveyed their message to Chairman Gohar and Secretary Omar Ayub to begin serious efforts for the release of the incarcerated leader.

“Following the statement of Shehryar Afridi related to resignations, at least 27 members consulted about the resignations, while some members, including Shandana Gulzar and Sher Afzal Marwat, demonstrated a protest against the incompetence of the party’s top brass,” sources said.

It added that some members excused from their participation in the meeting of the Parliamentary Party and accused senior leadership of "compromising over some committees in NA".

Sources quoted their stance, as they believed that some leaders kept focusing on positions instead of Imran Khan’s release from jail.

“A 21-member group is deliberating over stepping back from the assembly and forming a forward bloc,” said sources.

MNA Shandana Gulzar described the resignation as a better option if they could not turn Imran Khan out of jail.

“We are beating the desk in the assembly and wasting our energy on committees; it is quite better to sit at home,” said Ms Gulzar while talking to a private news channel.

She added that following Sheharyar Afridi, she and Sher Afzal Marwat also decided to step down, as disgruntled leaders were not part of the party’s core committee.



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