“A serving officer tweeted from my account about my exit from PTI,” claims Fawad

“A serving officer tweeted from my account about my exit from PTI,” claims Fawad

“I was severely tortured, and videos were filmed to send to high-ups,” former federal minister said
“A serving officer tweeted from my account about my exit from PTI,” claims Fawad

Web Desk


26 Jun 2024

Former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Fawad Chaudhry has said that a post on his X account regarding his exit from Imran Khan's party, after a period of detention was authored by a currently employed law enforcement officer.

In a recent interview with Voice of America, Chaudhry revealed that after he informed Imran Khan about being tortured in detention, the PTI founder advised him to leave the party.

When asked why he has not joined the party again, Chaudhry said, “Imran Khan still owns me,” and criticised the current PTI leadership as immature and insecure, suggesting they fear that a credible person joining the party would threaten their positions.

Chaudhry expressed that former PTI leaders faced political victimisation and were forced to disown the party, creating a space for opportunistic individuals to take control. 

He also accused the former Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial of facilitating his arrest from the Supreme Court.

He detailed the torture he endured, including being electrocuted and constantly beaten by the police.

“I was severely tortured, and videos were filmed to send to high-ups,” the former federal minister said.

“It was not jail; it was a torture cell,” he explained, adding that the torture he suffered was “unprecedented.”

Chaudhry also mentioned that he, along with Ali Zaidi and Imran Ismail, did not want to join the Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) due to their strong association with Imran Khan and his politics.

He explained that after informing Khan about his ordeal, Khan suggested that he leave the party if he had to endure torture.

“A serving officer tweeted from my account about my exit from PTI,” Fawad Chaudhry told the international media. 

“I said I would rather leave politics than defame Imran Khan, which is why I withdrew,” he maintained. 

When questioned if his Twitter account was managed by a serving official, he said he has detailed all these events in his book.

According to Fawad Chaudhry, despite being a staunch supporter of the army, several PTI leaders were disappointed by the policies and treatment they faced.

Chaudhry asserted that he is no longer in touch with the establishment, saying "Apparently, Imran Khan insisted on not relying on them, but the lack of communication between the government and the establishment caused misunderstandings."



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