“Barbaric action shows this is jungle,” says Saudi scholar over Swat mob lynching incident

“Barbaric action shows this is jungle,” says Saudi scholar over Swat mob lynching incident

“This is prohibited and whoever does this is a murderer," he said.
“Barbaric action shows this is jungle,” says Saudi scholar over Swat mob lynching incident

Web Desk


21 Jun 2024

Acclaimed religious scholar Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem has said that the mob lynching violates Islamic principles. According to him, the authority to punish wrongdoing rests solely with legitimate rulers or governments.

In a post on ‘X’ Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem was asked by netizens for his views on the recent mob lynching of a tourist in Swat, who was accused of desecrating the Holy Quran.

“This is prohibited and whoever does this is a murderer and must be executed by the Muslim ruler if the heirs of the victim demand a life for a life,” he said in a post.


“Any barbaric action like this indicates that this is a jungle,” he said in another post while emphasising that these politically and religiously motivated rumours are deliberately spread to incite violence and serve a destructive agenda.

The Saudi scholar condemned scholars who exploit their followers for personal gain and instigate them to take the law into their own hands and target individuals.

“They don’t deserve to be called scholars!” he added.

The Sheikh furthered on, “Only the Muslim ruler can give such a directive and only to be executed by the authorized personnel. We are governed by sharia law and not by the laws of the jungle.


A tourist man was burned to death and dragged through the streets by an enraged mob for allegedly desecrating the Holy Quran in the Madyan area of Swat on Thursday night. 

The victim, who had come to visit Swat Valley from Punjab, was subjected to torture by local residents. They tortured him while he was naked, set him on fire, and threw stones at his burning body.



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