CM Maryam-led Punjab introduces 'Lady Dolphin Police' to empower women

CM Maryam-led Punjab introduces 'Lady Dolphin Police' to empower women

The move aims to promote a sense of security among women in society.
CM Maryam-led Punjab introduces 'Lady Dolphin Police' to empower women

Web Desk


10 Aug 2024

In a move towards women's empowerment, the Punjab government has introduced the first 'lady dolphin police' squad in Faisalabad. 

The squad marks a significant milestone in transferring traditional duties from men to women officers.

The Lady Dolphin Squad, comprising 500 women commandos, has completed its training and is now equipped with 500cc heavy bikes and automatic weapons. 

The female commandos team will be patrolling the roads and conducting snap checks to maintain law and order, according to department.

The squad will initially focus on patrolling public places where women are more present, such as women's universities and markets.

According to CPO Faisalabad, the decision to deploy ladies' dolphins in areas where females are more present will enable women to feel more comfortable approaching the squad. 

The move aims to promote a sense of security among women in society.

The introduction of the Lady Dolphin police is a major step towards gender equality and women's empowerment in the province, said the police high-official.


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