COAS Asim Munir dismisses any compromise or negotiations with instigators and masterminds of May 9 events

COAS Asim Munir dismisses any compromise or negotiations with instigators and masterminds of May 9 events

He received a comprehensive briefing on the operational readiness of the formation.
COAS Asim Munir dismisses any compromise or negotiations with instigators and masterminds of May 9 events

Web Desk


9 May 2024

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir categorically dismissed any compromise or negotiations with the instigators and masterminds of the events of May 9.

During his visit to the Lahore Garrison, he emphasized that hostile entities and their supporters have resorted to digital terrorism, aiming to sow discord between the Armed Forces and the people of Pakistan through the dissemination of falsehoods, fake news, and propaganda.

Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said, the Army Chief paid homage to the martyrs by laying a wreath at the Martyrs’ Monument and honoring those who sacrificed their lives for the nation. He received a comprehensive briefing on the operational readiness of the formation.

Addressing officers and soldiers at Corps Headquarters, Gen Asim Munir commended the troops for their dedication and professionalism, emphasizing that hostile forces' attempts to drive a wedge between the Armed Forces and the Pakistani populace would be thwarted with the nation's support.

He reiterated that every member of the Pakistan Army prioritizes their duties and responsibilities above all else, demonstrating unwavering commitment and making significant sacrifices daily.

Gen Asim Munir described May 9 as a dark day in Pakistan's history when orchestrated violence targeted symbols of state and national unity, tarnishing the sanctity of martyr memorials.

condemned the perpetrators and vowed accountability for their actions, stressing that there would be no leniency towards those involved in organized violence and sabotage.

The COAS assured that the Army would uphold the dignity of martyrs, their families, and the institution, and perpetrators of the May 9 events would face legal consequences. He emphasized that the Army's restraint in the face of provocations should not be misconstrued as weakness, and those responsible for inciting violence would be brought to justice.

Furthermore, Gen Asim Munir inaugurated the Jinnah Library at Lahore Garrison, symbolizing resilience against destructive forces and honoring the memory of Quaid-e-Azam. He was welcomed by the Commander Lahore Corps upon arrival.


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