Five children including four siblings drown in Balochistan

Five children including four siblings drown in Balochistan

The bodies have been recovered from the river, bringing immense grief to their families and the local community.
Five children including four siblings drown in Balochistan

Web Desk


3 Jul 2024

In a heartbreaking incident in the Jahoo area of Awaran district, Balochistan, five children, aged between eight and twelve, have tragically drowned in the Shank River.

The victims include three sisters—Salman, Ismat, and Hasna—along with two other children, Hoor Jan and Rehmatullah. Their bodies have been recovered from the river, bringing immense grief to their families and the local community.

Deputy Commissioner of Awaran, Engineer Aisha Zehri, confirmed the tragic event. She reported that a group of twelve children had gone to the river for a swim when the tragedy occurred. Efforts were promptly made to rescue them, but sadly, five of the children could not be saved.

The incident has highlighted the need for increased safety measures and awareness about the dangers of swimming in local rivers, especially during times when water levels may be unpredictable. The local administration is now focusing on providing support to the grieving families and ensuring such incidents are prevented in the future.

This tragedy serves as a somber reminder of the potential dangers that natural water bodies can pose, particularly for young children.


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