Netizens praise young boy standing up for Karsaz road accident victims against influential family

Netizens praise young boy standing up for Karsaz road accident victims against influential family

Two people were killed and four were injured in the deadly accident.
Netizens praise young boy standing up for Karsaz road accident victims against influential family

Web Desk


22 Aug 2024

A video has gone viral on social media showing a young boy bravely standing up to police and Rangers, refusing to let them take Natasha Danish Iqbal, the prime suspect in the Karsaz Road accident, into custody without proper procedures being followed.

In the video, the boy could be seen demanding that the deceased family be called to the crime scene and that the dead bodies be sent to the hospital.

"First, call the family members of the victims, then we will allow you [law enforcers] to take her to the police station," he could be seen saying in the video.

Netizens are praising the young boy for his courage in standing up to the influential family of the suspect, demanding justice for the victims.

However, the identity of the young boy is not known yet.

The horrific accident occurred on August 19 on Karsaz Road in the metropolis when the suspect lost control of her speeding car and rammed into several people, resulting in two deaths and four injuries.

According to rescue officials, the vehicle overturned and crushed four motorcycles and two cars.

Two people were killed and four were injured in the accident, they informed.

The deceased included a father, named Imran, and his daughter, Amna, who were returning home after the daughter's work shift ended.

The suspect was arrested by the police from the crime scene and was sent to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC) for a medial checkup.

According to sources, the woman was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

Sources further said the suspect is allegedly a member of the prominent Gul Ahmed family.

The suspect’s lawyer, Amir Mansoob, said his client was a psychiatric patient and had been under treatment for her condition for five years.

Natasha's counsel told the media that his client had no memory of the incident and was "not in the right frame of mind".

In response, the reporters asked why the family allowed the suspect to drive a car in such "a severe mental condition".

The lawyer claimed the family was unaware that Natasha had taken the car, as "they had imposed restrictions on her due to her mental condition".

However, she was declared mentally fit by the psychiatrist of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center (JPMC).

A day earlier, the City Court in the port city sent Natasha to jail on a 14-day judicial remand.


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