Pakistani student suffers broken bones, skull fracture in Houston hit-and-run

Pakistani student suffers broken bones, skull fracture in Houston hit-and-run

"I am all alone here. I have no one here," she said.
Pakistani student suffers broken bones, skull fracture in Houston hit-and-run

Web Desk


13 Sep 2024

A Pakistani student, Dania Zaheer, was seriously injured in a hit-and-run accident in Houston, Texas, last Thursday.

According to reports, the driver of the vehicle fled the scene without stopping to check on Zaheer's condition.

The 25-year-old MBA student from Karachi had suffered severe injuries, including fractures to six different bones. 

"I have a broken pelvis, broken arm, broken femur, broken hip, skull fractures, a broken eye socket, and fluid in my lungs, which makes it hard to breathe," Zaheer told ABC13 Houston.

"I am all alone here. I have no one here, not even someone to take care of me. I don't even know after getting out of the hospital who will be there," she added.

The Consulate General of Pakistan in Houston, Aftab Chaudhry, and other community leaders visited the injured girl in the hospital and offered support. 

"All American Pakistanis are with her in this hour of difficulty," Chaudhry said.

Salman Razzaqi, President of the Pakistani Association of Greater Houston, also visited Dania and expressed his concern.

"To see somebody who is about the same age as my daughter laid up and crying like that and in pain, it was very painful to see," he said.

The suspect who ran over the student has not been arrested yet, and the police are investigating the incident.

Dania's condition is critical and is scheduled to undergo surgery today at a Houston hospital.


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