PTI's Tayyaba Raja released from jail

PTI's Tayyaba Raja released from jail

Ms. Raja, apprehended in May 2023, faced accusations of involvement in the burning of the Governor's House in Lahore, also known as Jinnah House.
PTI's Tayyaba Raja released from jail

Web Desk


16 Feb 2024

A member of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Tayyaba Raja, who had been detained in connection with the Jinnah House arson case, has been set free from Kot Lakhpat Jail following a favorable decision by a two-member bench of the Lahore High Court.

The Lahore High Court, comprising two judges, granted her bail, thereby concluding her period of incarceration linked to the Jinnah House arson case.

Ms. Raja, apprehended in May 2023, faced accusations of involvement in the burning of the Governor's House in Lahore, also known as Jinnah House.

The incident occurred amid protests that ensued following the PTI's ousting from power. Throughout her time in custody, she consistently maintained her innocence, vehemently denying any role in the unfortunate event.

The announcement of her release has elicited a sense of relief among her family and supporters, who had tirelessly advocated for her freedom.

This development marks a significant turn of events for Tayyaba Raja, highlighting the intricate dynamics surrounding the Jinnah House arson case and the legal proceedings that have unfolded.


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