Saudi Arabia bars pregnant women, sick pilgrims from performing Hajj

Saudi Arabia bars pregnant women, sick pilgrims from performing Hajj

The pilgrimage was marred by heatwave this year.
Saudi Arabia bars pregnant women, sick pilgrims from performing Hajj

Web Desk


29 Aug 2024

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has issued a health advisory for Hajj 2025, barring pregnant women and pilgrims suffering from complex diseases from performing the holy pilgrimage.

According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, only healthy individuals will be allowed to undertake the journey, considering the severe weather conditions in the Kingdom.

Earlier this year, over 1.8 million pilgrims from across the world, including the elderly people, women, and children, performed the annual sacred ritual.

However, the pilgrimage was marred by heatwave, which claimed the lives of almost 1,300 people.

The Kingdom also recorded the highest 51.8 degrees Celsius (125 Fahrenheit) temperature during the Hajj season.

In order to save pilgrims from the scorching heat, the Saudi Ministry has taken measures and imposed restrictions for the next year's Hajj.

The spokesperson for Religious Affairs said that people with kidney, heart, lung, liver, and cancer complications will be prohibited from performing Hajj. 

Those suffering from dementia and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, whooping cough, and other contagious illnesses will not be permitted to participate in the sacred journey.

Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women will also not be allowed to travel to the Holy country for Hajj. 

All pilgrims will be required to be vaccinated against meningitis, coronavirus, seasonal influenza, and polio to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all participants.

The health advisory aims to safeguard the well-being of pilgrims and prevent any potential health risks during the Hajj 2025.


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