"Shame on PTI:" Legal experts, journalists slam Imran Khan over letter to IMF

"Shame on PTI:" Legal experts, journalists slam Imran Khan over letter to IMF

PTI also released a letter addressed to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.
"Shame on PTI:" Legal experts, journalists slam Imran Khan over letter to IMF

Web Desk


29 Feb 2024

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has written a letter to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) asking it to focus on 'political stability' in the country before approving any new loan for Islamabad.

A day earlier, PTI also released a letter addressed to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.

In the letter, the former ruling party alleged "widespread intervention and fraud in the counting of votes and compilation of results". 

"In view of the policies and principles the IMF stands for, there should be no doubt that the abuse of power by a small number of holders of public office to impose their likes and dislikes on Pakistan’s populace as aforesaid, and thus to ensure their continuing personal gain, would not be promoted or upheld by the IMF," the letter by PTI read.

"We, therefore, call upon the IMF to give effect to the guidelines adopted by it with respect to good governance as well as conditionalities that must be satisfied prior to the grant of a finance facility that is to burden the people of Pakistan with further debt. An audit of at least thirty percent of the national and provincial assemblies’ seats should be ensured, which can be accomplished in merely two weeks," it added.

"Such a role by the IMF would be a great service to Pakistan and its people, and could become the harbinger of enduring prosperity, growth, and macroeconomic stability in the country."

Following PTI's letter to the US-based global lender, legal experts and journalists slammed Imran Khan's party for putting "themselves before the nation".

“Imran Khan’s letter to IMF is equivalent to inviting an external intervention,” said journalist Gharida Farooqui in a post on X, where she deeply analysed the letter.PTI’s letter to IMF.

She added the demand for an audit by the IMF created an impression that Pakistani institutions including the Judiciary, Government, Parliament, and other relevant institutions are not trusted by the letter writer.


"Incredibly insane. A letter to the IMF that is every bit an attempt to scuttle a much-needed loan arrangement. Another Cypher-like scandal. But this letter is real," seniour anchorperson Talat Hussain said on X.



"I am personally outraged at Imran Khan's letter to the IMF inviting foreign intervention into Pakistan's internal matters and intending to worsen the situation of millions of Pakistanis who are living below the poverty line. Shame on PTI for putting themselves before the nation," said lawyer Muneeb Qadir.


The cash-strapped country's economy is struggling to stabilise after securing a $3 billion standby arrangement from the IMF last summer, with record inflation, rupee devaluation and shrinking foreign reserves.

Analysts said a new government - which Khan's opponents are expected to form - is likely to need more funds from the global lender after the standby arrangement expires in April.



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