Israeli settlers take boat tours to watch destruction in Gaza

Israeli settlers take boat tours to watch destruction in Gaza

The settlers openly expressed their genocidal intentions.
Israeli settlers take boat tours to watch destruction in Gaza

Web Desk


23 Sep 2024

A recent documentary revealed that Israeli settlers were taking boat tours along the coast of Gaza to witness the destruction of Palestinian land and identify areas within the enclave they aimed to settle.

The documentary “Holy Redemption: Stealing Palestinian Land” by Turkish broadcaster TRT World highlighted how Israeli settlers intent on the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and openly expressed their genocidal intentions.

The filmmakers, who interviewed members of the far-right Israeli settler organisations, stated that the Netanyahu government condones the violence perpetrated against Palestinians by such groups.

The leader of the Nachala settler movement was in constant contact with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the phone while TRT recorded her interview.

"They themselves chose to say that living with Palestinians was impossible, that Palestinians have to leave Palestine, or that the settlers would have to kill them all," the TRT journalist stated.

The documentary showed a group of settlers, including a Knesset member, boarding a boat for a tour along the Gaza coast, gloating over the genocide of Palestinians and picking locations to occupy.

“We are all very familiar with the settlements, but we have never been shown the mechanics of how they start, with Zionist families living in caravans on hilltops, the Israeli army coming to ‘protect’ them, and then declaring the place as part of Israel,” the documentary's makers said.

The Israeli army has levelled cities in Gaza, destroyed hospitals, universities, schools, water resources, bread mills, Palestinian businesses, and agricultural land, while killing Palestinians in deadly airstrikes on refugee camps under the pretext of targeting Hamas.

The overall Palestinian death toll since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza has reached at least 41,206, with more than 95,337 wounded. Thousands more remain trapped under the rubble of destroyed buildings.


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