Wife's selfless love, care bring husband out of coma after 10 years

Wife's selfless love, care bring husband out of coma after 10 years

Hongxia credited her children for inspiring her to stay strong and hopeful during the difficult times.
Wife's selfless love, care bring husband out of coma after 10 years

Web Desk


11 May 2024

A remarkable story of love and devotion has emerged from China, where a wife's selfless love and care have miraculously brought her husband out of a 10-year coma, South China Morning Post reported.

According to the publication, Sun Hongxia's husband, who hailed from China's Anhui province, suffered a heart attack in 2014, leaving him in a prolonged coma.

Hongxia refused to give up and took on the responsibility of raising their two children alone while also caring for her ailing husband.

“I wanted to set a good example for them [her children],” the brave lady said while talking to the local media.

Throughout the years, Hongxia's husband developed several physical complications, including the need for a tracheostomy and urinary catheter. 

However, Hongxia's tireless efforts and belief in her husband's recovery ultimately paid off. 

Her husband has now regained consciousness, but he remains under treatment at the hospital.

“Although I’m very tired, I feel all is worthwhile as the family is reunited,” the publication said quoting Hongxia.

Hongxia credited her children for inspiring her to stay strong and hopeful during the difficult times. 

Her 84-year-old father-in-law praised Hongxia, saying, "She is not only my daughter-in-law but more than a daughter; no one can compete with her selflessness and love."



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