Crows can count 'numbers' like humans: research

Crows can count 'numbers' like humans: research

The Clever Crow has indeed proven to be even smarter than we thought.
Crows can count 'numbers' like humans: research

Web Desk


27 May 2024

Scientists have discovered that crows are capable of counting up to four, an ability previously thought to be exclusive to humans.

For centuries, crows have been known for their remarkable problem-solving skills and innovative use of tools. 

However, the latest study, conducted by the University of Tübingen in Germany, revealed that their numerical cognition is on par with that of human children. 

Just like toddlers learning to count, crows can recognise and respond to numbers, identifying the number of objects in front of them.

The study, published in the journal Science, involved training three European crows to associate numbers with vocal responses. 

The birds were presented with numbers from one to four and taught to count aloud same as the way children learn to count.

The results were astonishing as the crows accurately counted up to four, making sounds corresponding to the number of objects they saw.

By exploring the similarities between crow and human numerical cognition, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying counting and arithmetic.

The Clever Crow has indeed proven to be even smarter than we thought, and the study opened up new avenues for research into the abilities of these intelligent birds.


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