Woman sues company for paying her without work for 20 years

Woman sues company for paying her without work for 20 years

She is seeking justice for the alleged discrimination and harassment.
Woman sues company for paying her without work for 20 years

Web Desk


22 Jun 2024

A differently-abled woman has filed a lawsuit against a telecom company for giving her full salary without assigning any work for 20 years, The Sun reported on Saturday.

The French woman, named Laurence Van Wassenhove, was hired in 1993 as a secretary in HR and worked until 2002 when she requested a transfer to another branch.

Despite being transferred, she was not given any work to do, yet continued to receive her full salary, the publication said.

The woman claimed that this was an attempt to force her to leave the company without directly firing her due to her disability.

However, the company responded that it adopted a policy of paying her without work due to her "personal social situation", citing frequent illnesses and inability to complete tasks.

Van Wassenhove is seeking justice for the alleged discrimination and harassment she faced during her job.

“Being paid, at home, not working is not a privilege. It’s very hard to bear,” The Sun said quoting Wassenhove.



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