Karachi shopkeeper fined for selling flour below official rate

Karachi shopkeeper fined for selling flour below official rate

The association has expressed dissatisfaction over the act.
Karachi shopkeeper fined for selling flour below official rate



25 Mar 2024

A retailer was penalized for selling flour below the official price in Karachi's Jodia Bazaar, the nation's oldest and largest wholesale market for essential goods.

The Karachi Wholesaler Grocers Group (KWGG) expressed dissatisfaction with the fines imposed on the retailer and threatened to organize a strike against what they perceive as unfair treatment.

During a visit to the market by a team from the Deputy Commissioner's office, prices and food items in various shops were inspected, revealing one retailer selling flour at a lower price. 

Wholesaler Grocers Chairman Abdur Rauf stated that the shopkeeper was selling flour at Rs115 per kg, whereas the official rate was Rs123 per kg. 

Rauf criticized the fine imposed on the shopkeeper, arguing that providing affordable flour to needy citizens should not be considered a crime in the country.



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