Pakistanis sacrifice 6.8 million animals worth over Rs500 billion on Eid-ul-Adha

Pakistanis sacrifice 6.8 million animals worth over Rs500 billion on Eid-ul-Adha

The sacrifice of animals during Eid-ul-Adha is a sacred tradition in Islam.
Pakistanis sacrifice 6.8 million animals worth over Rs500 billion on Eid-ul-Adha

Web Desk


20 Jun 2024

Over 6.8 million animals worth more than Rs500 billion were sacrificed during the three days of Eid-ul-Adha celebrations, according to a statement issued by the Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA).

The sacrifices included 2.9 million cows, 3.3 million goats, and 3.85 million sheep and goats, the PTA said.

Morevoer, 98,000 camels and 165,000 buffaloes were also slaughtered to pay homage to the Sunnat-e-Ibrahimi (A.S).

The association's Central Executive Committee member, Agha Sayedin, revealed that the value of the sacrificial animals exceeded Rs500 billion, with the hides estimated to be worth Rs8.5 billion. 

However, the association expressed concerns that 40% of the skins may be lost due to extreme heat and improper handling.

The PTA plays a crucial role in the leather industry, and the hides received during Eid-ul-Adha contribute significantly to the sector's demand. 

However, this year's hides will only meet less than 20% of the industry's requirements.

The sacrifice of animals during Eid-ul-Adha is a sacred tradition in Islam, commemorating the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) to sacrifice his son Prophet Ismail (A.S). 

The festival is celebrated by Muslims worldwide, and in Pakistan, it is an occasion marked by religious fervor, family gatherings, and charitable acts.


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