"Everyone's become far too career-oriented:" Fazila Qazi explains why celeb marriages fail

Web Desk
27 Mar 2024
Renowned actress Fazila Qazi said that successful marriages are built on respect, love, and the couple's ability to manage their lives effectively.
However, she expressed concern that now, everyone emphasises career pursuits over relationships which might be a contributing factor to shorter marriages.
Fazila Qazi, her husband and director Kaiser Khan Nizamani appeared on a private TV show, where the couple shared their thoughts on how couples can manage careers and marriages.
"Everyone has become far too career-oriented, and I say this regardless of gender," Fazila said.
She added that when compromise is needed between spouses, it often turns into a struggle over who will sacrifice their professional career to take care of the family.
Sharing her own experience, the 'Mere Ban Jao' actor said, "I left work during my peak years and didn't work for eight to nine years. My children were young, and I was only 23 at the time."
When asked if her husband pressured her to leave her career for the family, Fazila explained, "Kaiser's approach was subtle. He would say things like, the children get sad when you're not around all day."
Qazi admitted she also got emotional about her children's needs and decided to leave work.
However, the actress confessed that she didn't realise how clever her husband was in persuading her to step back from her career.
"But I don't regret that time, looking at my children now," the Sar-e-Rah actor added.
Kaiser Khan chimed in, explaining, 'During the early years of our marriage, I was working very hard, and Fazila had a career too. We were both busy, and unfortunately, the children were being neglected.'
“I didn't want to upset Fazila, so I tried to gently convince her towards a decision that would benefit the children. I would mention how much they missed her when she was working long hours,” he added.
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