'Is mulk mein talaq sirf aurat ki hoti hai': Kiran Ashfaque lambastes incessant bullying

Web Desk
18 Dec 2023
Fed up with persistent moral policing and bullying, actor and model Kiran Ashfaque confronted online critics who criticised her following her divorce from renowned actor Imran Ashraf. Setting the record straight, she revealed that her ex-husband initiated the divorce and not her.
Ashfaque emphasised the significance of spousal support, stating that with a supportive husband, a woman can overcome any challenges. She candidly admitted lacking that support and highlighted that the issues extended beyond her husband and his family.
In a recent podcast, she disclosed that despite her unhappiness, her mother persistently urged her to continue with her married life, fearing the impact on her father's well-being. Upon learning of her divorce, Kiran revealed that her father was hospitalised. An ambulance remained stationed near their house for a few days.
Opening up about the challenges in her married life, Ashfaque revealed that she grappled with immense societal pressure and struggled to find someone to confide in about her concerns.
She expressed the additional burden felt by her entire family, particularly her married sisters who faced inquiries from people regarding her divorce.
Kiran Ashfaque lamented the gender bias, noting that while men's divorces often go unquestioned, she found herself constantly questioned about the reasons behind her divorce.
Highlighting the emotional toll the situation took on her family, she said, "I could not even talk to my two brothers. Only girls get a divorce in this country, and not men; nobody asks them about the reason for their divorce. Still, everyone comes to me to ask the reason for my divorce."
She recounted her mother feared that her divorce would not remain a family matter but become national news, which indeed happened. “Even my second marriage turned into a topic of national interest,” she added.
She further revealed the challenge of being away from her family after divorce, who resided in Malaysia. Only her younger brother and sister in Pakistan provided support during times when she experienced fits and struggled with her mental health.
Kiran calrified that her divorce took place in August 2018, not October, contrary to some misconceptions.
Addressing rumours about her divorce, she clarified that it wasn't a khula and that she couldn't pursue a divorce earlier as her mother wanted her to stay with her ex-husband. “Actually, I didn't finalise the divorce in October, he (her ex-husband) initiated the divroce, it wasn’t not a khula.”
Kiran expressed her reluctance to marry again after the divorce and avoided returning to her family in Malaysia, anticipating her family planning for her second marriage.
"I told my father that I won't consider marriage again until my son turns 10. My mental well-being is my top priority right now, and I don't feel emotionally ready for another relationship," she shared.
Kiran Ashfaque shared that her decision to reconsider marriage was influenced by her father's evident concern for her well-being.
"One night when I got up in the middle of night , I found my father crying during his tahajjud prayer. He seemed lost in a deep conversation with God. Witnessing this vulnerability touched me deeply. The next day, I went to his showroom and told him, whenever you find the right person for me, regardless of the circumstances, I'll trust your decision and get married. Just let me know at least a month in advance.' I did have one request – I'd like my future spouse to be from Pakistan, ideally Karachi, to make meeting my son easier," she explained.
She further shared that she and her ex-husband are co-parenting their son, as he shares a close relationship with both parents and he has never seen them together as typical parents.
Regarding her second marriage, Ashfaque revealed that her father received the proposal, and it was an arranged marriage. She had only a month to get to know her future husband, but despite the brief period, they developed a strong understanding.
She also criticised the media, highlighting that her name was consistently linked with her ex-husband even after the divorce. She expressed frustration, noting that society made it challenging for her to move on easily.
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