"Corruption was at peak in previous PTI's govt in KP," admits Marwat

"Corruption was at peak in previous PTI's govt in KP," admits Marwat

People became not billionaires but trillionaires in the previous government of the PTI
"Corruption was at peak in previous PTI's govt in KP," admits Marwat

Web Desk


18 Mar 2024

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) seniour vice-president Sher Afzal Khan Marwat on Sunday admitted that corruption was at a peak in his party’s previous government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

He made the revelation during a live space session on the microblogging site X on Sunday.

“People became not billionaires but trillionaires in the previous government of the PTI,” Marwat said.

Giving an example of his claim, the PTI leader said that former KP chief minister Mahmood Khan earns Rs2.5 million per day from one of his mines in the province.

Earlier, PTI founder Imran Khan's lawyer made headlines when he said that it was his party's mistake to ally with the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) to get reserved seats for women and minorities in the National and all four provincial assemblies.

In an interview with a private news channel, Marwat said that PTI lost over 80 reserved seats in the national and provincial legislatures due to the party's two "wrong decisions".

According to Marwat, the first wrong decision was to withdraw from striking an alliance with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Shirani (JUI-Shirani) and later forging a deal with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-Nazriati (PTI-N).

Moreover, Marwat admitted that PTI's decision to form an alliance with the Sunni Ittehad Council was its second biggest mistake. 

"We had to ally with Sunni Ittehad Council because we started receiving threats after making an electoral alliance with MWM. We lost over 80 seats due to these flawed decisions," he concluded.



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