12-year-old kidnapped boy killed after being raped in Karachi

12-year-old kidnapped boy killed after being raped in Karachi

One of the suspects is a relative of a deceased mother.
12-year-old kidnapped boy killed after being raped in Karachi

Web Desk


11 May 2024

 A 12-year-old boy was raped and murdered allegedly by two men, who kidnapped the victim a few days ago, in Karachi’s Manghopir, said police on Saturday.

Police also arrested the two suspects, including the minor boy's relative, for their alleged involvement in the heinous crime.

SSP  Anti-Violent Crime Cell (AVCC) Zafar Siddiqui Chaanga said the body of the boy was recovered in the bushes in Mangophir on the information of the Citizen-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC). 

According to the police, the fourth-grade student was kidnapped from the jurisdiction of Mominabad police station on May 8 and was found dead in Khairabad.

The body of the deceased was shifted to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for medico-legal procedure.

Police surgeon Dr Samia Syed, physical examination, revealed that the boy was sexually assaulted and he died of suffocation, which means that he was killed by strangulation.

The samples have been sent to the laboratory for chemical examination. 

However, the police attributed the incident to kidnapping for ransom.

As per the police information, the suspects demanded Rs1.5 million ransom from the child’s parents. 

Police also claimed that one of the suspects is a relative of a deceased mother, "she works in Dubai and came to Karachi a month ago."

CPLC chief Zubair Habib said that the suspects killed the boy "because they had a fear of being recognised".



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