Brave boy fights off robbers in Karachi

Brave boy fights off robbers in Karachi

Almost 80 people have been killed by dacoits for showing resistance.
Brave boy fights off robbers in Karachi

Web Desk


29 Jun 2024

In an act of bravery, a young boy fought off robbery suspects in the city’s North Karachi area, foiling their bid to loot him and his friends.

The incident was captured on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) footage.

According to the details, the tale of a brave face-off against criminals took place near Rajpoot ground in North Karachi area of the port city.

As captured on CCTV camera, three robbers on two motorbikes intercepted the boy and his friend to loot them.

The unidentified boy bravely attacked one of the robbers, grabbed him, and thwarted his robbery attempt.

In the video, the youth could be seen continuously asking for help from the residents, but, no one came to grab the bandits.

However, the robbers managed to flee the scene but their attempt was foiled by the brave boy.

A day earlier, a 27-year-old electrition, Noman Riaz, was killed for resisting robbery in Karachi's Gulistan-e-Jauhar area.

The surge in street crimes has instilled fear and insecurity among Karachi's citizens, as robbers continue to commit crimes with impunity. 

In the first six months of the ongoing year, almost 80 people have been killed by dacoits for showing resistance during the robbery incidents in Karachi.

The incidents have raised concerns about the city's law and order situation, with many calling for increased security measures to prevent such crimes.

On the other hand, Sindh Home Minister Zia-ul-Hasan Lanjar has announced that he would suspend the SHO of a police station if any citizen loses their life during the robbery incident in Karachi.


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