Wife bites husband's ear in domestic dispute in Faisalabad

Wife bites husband's ear in domestic dispute in Faisalabad

The husband was promptly rushed to the hospital as a result of the incident.
Wife bites husband's ear in domestic dispute in Faisalabad

Web Desk


26 Jul 2024

FAISALABAD: In a shocking incident, a domestic dispute in Faisalabad escalated dramatically when a wife, in a fit of rage, bit off her husband's ear.

The husband was promptly rushed to the hospital as a result of the incident.

The exact cause of the quarrel that led to this unusual altercation remains unknown.

According to media sources, neighbors became aware of the bizarre event when they heard shouting and swearing from the house, followed by the husband's screams.

When neighbors rushed to the scene, they found the husband clutching his ear, with his neck and clothes soaked in blood.

The injured husband was quickly transported to a local hospital for immediate treatment. It remains unclear whether the husband has filed a report against his wife regarding the incident.



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