Displaced Gaza students memorise Holy Quran amid Israeli bombings

Displaced Gaza students memorise Holy Quran amid Israeli bombings

The students and teachers remain committed to their studies and faith.
Displaced Gaza students memorise Holy Quran amid Israeli bombings

Web Desk


27 Aug 2024

Despite the devastating military offensives by Israel in Gaza, a group of displaced Palestinian students is determined to continue memorising the Holy Quran inside a school-turned-shelter.

"We come here to memorise the Holy Quran and to learn how to perfect our recitation. As you can see this was once a school, but now because of the war it has become a centre for sheltering displaced people," one of the students said while talking to Middle East Eye.

The school, which has been converted into a shelter, is home to several families who have been displaced due to the ongoing Israeli genocide.

"This is a shelter for displaced people and a number of families now reside here. it's also a place for the memorisation of the Holy Quran, teaching courses, seminars and activities," explained a teacher.

The teacher said that they manage classes and house chores by distrubuting time for both in the camp.

"A 9am approximately the displaced people leave and go outside and at 2pm they return. We use it to teach and as you can see they come back here to cook, to wash dishes and do their chores. There is no alternative," she added.

"I was able to take some of my things from under the rubble of my home. I found copies of the Holy Quran under the rubble and removed the stones, dust and debris off them. 

By God's will during this month there will be a group of people who will have memorised the whole of the Holy Quran during the war."

Despite the challenges, the students and teachers remain committed to their studies and their faith.

Israel's war on Gaza has resulted in devastating losses, with over 40,000 Palestinians killed, including 16,456 children and 11,000 women. 

The United Nations reported that two-thirds of buildings across the Gaza Strip have been "damaged or destroyed." Israeli attacks have also killed at least 270 aid workers.

The restrictions on food, water, medicine, and fuel supplies have exacerbated the crisis.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) directed Israel to ensure basic services and humanitarian aid delivery in the besieged enclave.

Earlier, the Palestinian government's information office reported that almost 1.7 million Gazans had been displaced due to relentless air and artillery strikes by the Israeli military.



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