Doctors remove 2.5 kg hairball from woman's stomach

Doctors remove 2.5 kg hairball from woman's stomach

She experienced severe pain in stomach, nausea, and difficulty eating.
Doctors remove 2.5 kg hairball from woman's stomach

Web Desk


30 May 2024

Doctors surgically removed 2.5 kilograms of hair from the stomach of a woman who developed trichophagia (compulsive hair eating) during pregnancy.

According to Indian media, a 25-year-old woman in Uttar Pradesh, had a strange habit of eating her own hair or those she found around her after becoming pregnant.

Following childbirth, the woman reportedly stopped eating hair, but she experienced severe pain in her stomach, nausea, and difficulty eating.

Doctors initially prescribed medication, but it proved ineffective and did not alleviate her pain. 

As the woman's condition worsened, she was rushed to a private hospital where doctors were shocked to learn the true cause of her stomach pain.

They informed the woman's family that her hair-eating habit had resulted in a large hairball completely blocking her stomach. 

Later, a surgery was performed to remove a bunch of hair.

After the operation, lasting for almost 45 minutes, doctors removed a hairball weighing approximately 2.5 kilograms from the woman's stomach.

The woman was diagnosed with trichophagia, a rare condition where people compulsively ingest, chew, or suck hair.

According to health experts, this serious disorder can lead to malnutrition, digestive blockages, and even death.


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