US man's intestines burst out of his body after sneezing at restaurant

US man's intestines burst out of his body after sneezing at restaurant

The man had a history of prostate cancer
US man's intestines burst out of his body after sneezing at restaurant

Web Desk


27 Jun 2024

A 63-year-old man in Florida experienced a severe medical emergency when he sneezed forcefully while at a restaurant, causing his intestines to emerge out of his body.

He was quickly rushed to the hospital for immediate medical aid.

According to research published in the American Journal of Medical Case Reports, the man had a history of prostate cancer and had recently undergone a cystectomy, a procedure to remove his urinary bladder.

"During breakfast, the man sneezed forcefully, followed by coughing. He immediately noticed a ‘wet’ sensation and pain in his lower abdomen. Looking down, he observed several loops of pink bowel protruding from his recent surgical site," the researchers mentioned.

In a state of fear, the man covered the exposed area while his wife called for an ambulance. 

Upon arriving at the hospital, "three Urologic surgeons carefully reduced the eviscerated bowel back into the abdominal cavity,” and checked them thoroughly and found no further injury. 

After a few days, the patient was discharged from the hospital and allowed to return home.

The journal highlighted that this case will contribute to the understanding of dehiscence, the bursting of wounds, after a cystectomy.

"While wound dehiscence is a well-known complication, this case is important because evisceration through the abdominal surgical site after cystectomy is poorly described in the medical literature," the researchers said.


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