Chinese doctor successfully removes patient’s lung tumor using robot from different city

Chinese doctor successfully removes patient’s lung tumor using robot from different city

Medics employed cutting-edge technology to perform this groundbreaking and critical surgery.
Chinese doctor successfully removes patient’s lung tumor using robot from different city

Web Desk


7 Aug 2024

A Chinese doctor performed a groundbreaking remote surgery to successfully remove a lung tumor. Operating a robotic system from 5,000 kilometers away, the surgeon completed the procedure from a different city.

Medics employed cutting-edge technology to perform this groundbreaking and critical surgery, paving the way for future remote operations.

The entire procedure was filmed and shared on micro blogging site X, showing doctors operating on a patient at a Kashgar hospital while a surgeon remotely controlling the surgical machine from his office in Shanghai.

The video of the procedure garnered over 1.5 millions views on social media.

According to Chinese media, a video of the surgery was shared online on August 2. The operation was performed on July 13 and lasted one hour.

Research into robotic technology is being carried out at Shanghai Chest Hospital, where the remote operation took place. It is the country's first medical institution to conduct numerous robot-assisted chest surgeries.

Dr Luo Qingquan from Shanghai Chest Hospital stated that robotic surgeries will benefit patients, who are unable to travel due to medical reasons. 

“This success showcases the potential of domestically-built surgical robots to improve patient care, especially for those in remote and rural locations,” he said. 


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