Imran Khan picks Mian Aslam Iqbal for Punjab CM slot

Imran Khan picks Mian Aslam Iqbal for Punjab CM slot

The development was announced by PTI leader Barrister Gohar Khan after meeting with Imran Khan
Imran Khan picks Mian Aslam Iqbal for Punjab CM slot

Web Desk


15 Feb 2024

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has picked Mian Aslam Iqbal as his party's candidate for the slot of Punjab Chief Minister.

The development was announced by PTI leader Barrister Gohar Khan after meeting with the former prime minister at Adaila jail in Rawalpindi.

Speaking to the media outside Adiala jail, Gohar said that PTI has chosen Salar Kakar for the post of chief minister Balochistan.

The PTI leader said the party will announce the names for the constitutional post of National Assembly speaker and deputy speaker later.

Gohar also announced that his party will stage a peaceful protest across the country on Saturday (February 17) against the “marginalisation of the PTI”.

He urged other parties, including GDA, JI, JUI-F, TLP, and ANP, to join PTI's protest if they "believed the mandate was stolen or rigged".

Talking to the media alongside Gohar, PTI leader Sher Afzal Marwat urged the masses to step out of their house and register their protest against the 'stolen mandate'.

Barrister Gohar also refuted the rumours circulated by a renowned news channel that the former ruling party is set to forge an alliance with Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) to form a government in the centre.

“We have already announced that there will be no power-sharing with these parties [PPP, PML-N and MQM-p],” he asserted. 

"PTI doesn't belive in power-sharing politics but in public-sharing," he added.

“The PTI is doing politics for the protection of the public’s rights and believes in the supremacy of the mandate and democracy,” Gohar clarified.

"We would prefer to sit on opposition benches until we get the full mandate, but we are in the position to form governments in Federal, Punjab and KP."


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