Over half dozen robbers loot motorbike from a youth in Karachi

Over half dozen robbers loot motorbike from a youth in Karachi

Almost 85 people have been killed by robbers in Karachi.
Over half dozen robbers loot motorbike from a youth in Karachi

Web Desk


12 Aug 2024

There is no respite from the growing menace of street crime in Karachi as over half a dozen robbers brazenly looted a motorbike from a young boy in Bahadurabad area.

According to details, the incident occurred near Kokan Park area on Saturday morning (August 10).

The CCTV footage of the daylight dacoity also went viral on social media, creating fear among the residents of the metropolis.

In the video, almost eight muggers on seven bikes intercepted a boy and forced him to leave his bike.

Upon showing some resistance, one of the bandits started slapping the youth, as shown in the video.

The robbers then easily fled the crime scene after looting the bike from a busy road.

According to the Citizens Police Liaison Committee, over 44,000 incidents of robberies have been reported in the provincial capital in the last seven months.

Almost 85 people have also lost their lives during mugging incidents in the city of lights.

On the other hand, the city police have completely failed to curb street crime and apprehend the robbers involved in the killing incidents.



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