Police foil 10 years old girl's marriage with 24-year-old in Umerkot

Police foil 10 years old girl's marriage with 24-year-old in Umerkot

Parents of the girl and groom have been taken into custody.
Police foil 10 years old girl's marriage with 24-year-old in Umerkot



11 Aug 2024

In a significant operation, police in the vicinity of Umerkot, successfully thwarted an attempt to marry off a 10-year-old girl to a 24-year-old man.

This intervention is being hailed as a crucial step in the ongoing battle against child marriage in the region, a practice that remains a deep-rooted issue despite legal prohibitions.

According to details provided by police officials, the marriage was being arranged in secret, with the girl’s family and local facilitators involved in the illicit union. The police, acting on a tip-off, raided the location just in time, preventing what would have been a grave violation of the child’s rights.

The young girl, clearly too young to comprehend the full magnitude of what was being arranged for her, was taken into protective custody. Authorities have assured that she will be provided with the necessary care and counseling to help her recover from the ordeal.

Meanwhile, her parents, the groom, and several others who were facilitating the marriage have been apprehended and are currently in police custody.

Legal proceedings are expected to be initiated against them, with charges likely to include violations of child protection laws and forced marriage statutes.



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