Sanghar camel's health improving at Karachi's shelter home

Sanghar camel's health improving at Karachi's shelter home

The act drew widespread condemnation.
Sanghar camel's health improving at Karachi's shelter home

Web Desk


24 Jun 2024

Sanghar camel, whose leg was cruelly chopped off by a local landlord for straying into his fields, is now recuperating at a shelter home in Karachi.

CDRS (Comprehensive Disaster Response Services) shared an update on their Facebook page, showing the camel named Cammie in a calm state at the shelter. The NGO has appealed to the public to continue praying for Cammie's swift recovery.

According to the latest medical report, the camel requires ongoing therapy until its blood parameters normalize. It is also recommended to provide Cammie with a balanced diet including fresh grass and animal feed to aid in healing its wounds.

Additionally, the report advises administering multivitamins and iron supplements to support its recovery. Continuous care and supervision under animal observation are crucial as per the report's recommendations.

The incident, which occurred in Mund Jamrao village of Sanghar district, has sparked outrage. Soomer Khan, the owner of the camel, expressed his dismay over the incident at a press conference in Sanghar, stating, "I have no enmity with anyone. I don’t know why this was done to my camel."

This act of brutality against Cammie has drawn widespread condemnation, highlighting the need for better animal welfare practices and stricter enforcement of laws protecting animals from such inhumane treatment.


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