British army allows soldiers to grow beard

Web Desk
29 Mar 2024
The British Army has lifted a century-old ban allowing its soldiers to grow a beard while serving in the military.
However, the beards and moustaches must be neat and properly groomed, which will be routinely checked by the officials.
According to BBC, the change in policy came after several months of review on the appearance of its personnel.
"We have listened to our people and acted," the army spokesperson Sgt. Maj. Paul Carney said.
"There may be specific occasions where the personnels are required to be clean-shaven and officers and soldiers will be "directed to shave as and when circumstances dictate," BBC reported quoting a military spokesman.
Earlier, UK Defense Secretary, Grant Shapps, raised his voice against the restriction, saying banning beards in the army was “ridiculous” and it was time to "modernise".
With the change, Britain joined the armies of Denmark, Germany and Belgium, which already allowed their troops to grow beards, the BBC added.
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