Dad turns home into 'toy castle' to save his daughter from smartphone addiction

Dad turns home into 'toy castle' to save his daughter from smartphone addiction

He recognised the risks of excessive screen time and decided to take drastic measures.
Dad turns home into 'toy castle' to save his daughter from smartphone addiction

Web Desk


19 Sep 2024

A devoted father in China has transformed his house into a vibrant playground to help his daughter break free from smartphone addiction.

Zhang recognised the risks of excessive screen time and decided to take drastic measures. 

"If I want to stop my daughter from using a phone or tablet, it's important to give her alternative activities," he explained while talking to Henan broadcasting system.

To create an engaging environment, the 35-year-old father crafted around 300 homemade toys, including a sprawling train track installed on the roof.

The family's doors were converted into a life-size Tetris game, while the power box became a whimsical Mickey Mouse hole, complete with the cartoon character lounging on a miniature couch. 

“I created this door just a few days ago and cut a large opening in the centre for the Tetris. This toy definitely requires help from dad,” Zhang said.

A majestic pink dragon was also brought to life within the home.

Zhang's innovative approach aimed to redirect his daughter's attention from screens to the imaginative world surrounding her.


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