Israeli genocide reduces Gaza population from 2.3 million to 2.1 million

Israeli genocide reduces Gaza population from 2.3 million to 2.1 million

Over 87,000 Palestinians have been injured, and another 10,000 are trapped under the rubble of their destroyed homes.
Israeli genocide reduces Gaza population from  2.3 million to 2.1 million

Web Desk


4 Jul 2024

Following nine months of Israeli military offensive in the Gaza Strip, the population of the coastal enclave has decreased from 2.3 million to 2.1 million, according to recent estimates by the UN humanitarian community.

Head of the UN humanitarian office for the Palestinian territories, Andrea De Domenico stated on Wednesday that the UN has dropped the pre-war population estimate from 2.3 million to 2.1 million "for the sole purpose of humanitarian planning."

During a press conference in Jerusalem, he stated that 110,000 people have been forced to relocate to Egypt since October, according to border authorities, and at least 38,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel.

Over 87,000 Palestinians have been injured, and another 10,000 are trapped under the rubble of their destroyed homes.

De Domenico noted that some of those who left might return. "But just for our programming purposes, as the humanitarian community, we estimate that the population present in Gaza comprises about 2.1 million people," he added.

Israel’s relentless military offensive has left no place of refuge from north to south, as Rafah has been decimated and continued airstrikes on refugee camps have killed and burned alive many, including children and newborns.

In its latest report, a UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, stated that Israel has forcibly displaced at least 1.7 million Palestinians and highlighted the extensive fatalities and destruction caused by Israeli actions.

The report noted that Israeli forces deliberately targeted civilians and damaged property to exert pressure on Hamas fighters. 


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