Muslim man lynched by mob during cricket match in India

Muslim man lynched by mob during cricket match in India

Vohra, who worked at a garment factory, had married two months ago.
Muslim man lynched by mob during cricket match in India



29 Jun 2024

A Muslim man was lynched by an enraged mob over a parking dispute during a local cricket match in Chikhodra, Gujarat, according to Indian media reports.

The incident occurred on June 22, when 23-year-old Salman Vohra went to watch the local cricket match. 

An argument over parking escalated and a group of men attacked him mercilessly while onlookers watched and cheered.

As per the details, one of the attackers was drunk. Vohra was brutally assaulted with bats and a knife, suffering severe injuries on his kidney, an almost severed ear, and extensive bleeding. 

Vohra, who worked at a garment factory, had married two months ago, and his wife is one month pregnant.

During the match, miscreants in the crowd heckled Muslim players and chanted "Jai Shri Ram" as they performed well. One team had a majority of Muslim players, while the other had two or three.

The team with the Muslim majority outperformed their competitors, enraging a few men from right-wing groups.

While speaking to the media, Vohra’s uncle, Noman Vohra, mentioned that Salman had cuts below his eyes and had been severely beaten on his neck and lower waist. 

An FIR was lodged by the police, including charges of rioting, murder, and unlawful assembly.

While the authorities have arrested seven suspects, the main accused remains at large.


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